After the installation of the FireStart Server, you can configure the Process Portal. The default path where the README.txt and the init.json can be found in C:\Program Files\PROLOGICS\PROLOGICS Process Portal. The README.txt contains the same information as described below. For the configuration, via init.json you have the following options.
<servername> | The name of the PROLOGICS Firestart Server where the FireStart Process Portal gets its data if left empty, FireStart Process Portal assumes that the PROLOGICS Firestart Server runs on the same machine as the portal is hosted. |
<serverport> | The port of the PROLOGICS Firestart Server where the FireStart Process Portal gets its data if left empty, FireStart Process Portal assumes that the PROLOGICS Firestart Server runs on port 443. |
<title> | The document title visible in the browser tab. |
<defaultview> | You can override the defaultview for each module (Process, Execution, Overview, Role, Document, Domain, Risk, BusinessEntity, ITSystem). Possible values are: v_flowchart, v_bpmn, v_table, v_organigram, v_matrix (if left empty or invalid for this specific module the setting falls back to v_flowchart). |
<startmodule> | The navigation panel will start with this specified module. Possible values are: Process, Execution, Overview, Role, Document, Domain, Risk, BusinessEntity, ITSystem (if left empty or invalid the navigation panel will start with the Process Designer Module). |
<startmodel> |
<defaultusersettings> |
<forcedsettings> |
<zoom> | The initial zoom factor for the model in % (value must be between 50 and 200). |
<gui> |