During setup the following actions have already been accomplished:
- If the FireStart Process Portal has been installed,
the folder $TARGETDIR$\PROLOGICS Resources\Printable Documents
has been shared, - Everyone has read permission on the shared folder,
- Everyone also has read permission on the original folder.
After configuring FireStart with the configuration wizard, the following changes will be made for the currently configured service users:
Credentials can also be directly entered into Windows Service Control Manager (SCM) and do not have to be entered through the configuration wizard.
If the service user is not entered with the configuration wizard and is entered manually into SCM, the following permissions have to be set manually!
If a service user is not a local administrator this could lead to problems and errors!
- For the windows services (PROLOGICS FireStart Server) the configured service users are entered as login credentials.
- If both services have been installed on the same server, the Sync Adapter adds a dependency to the FireStart Server.
- The service user gets Full access to the PROLOGICS program folder. Old permissions are removed from the folder during this step.
- The service user gets Full access to the PROLOGICS registry key at HKLM\SOFTWARE. Old permissions are removed from the registry key during this step.
- The FireStart Server service user gets Full access to the previously mentioned shared folder Printable Documents. Old permissions, except reading permissions for Everyone, are removed.
- The service user of the FireStart Server gets the permissions to reserve the following URL for HTTP access: https://+:{PORT}/api, PORT is the configured FireStart Server Port (default=443).
General Information about permissions in FireStart
- The Process Portal and the FireStart Client both use the same permissions.
- By default a user doesn't have any permissions, they always have to be set in advance.
- You can't set permissions for workflows - they inherit the permissions of the process model.
- Denies are stronger than Allows.
- You do not have to / cannot set permissions for tasks. To work on an assigned task the user does not require permissions on the process model.