This table contains all standard elements for modeling and executing a workflow.
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Start Every process or sub-process begins with a start event. The start element does not have an entry tie point as it is always the first element in a process or sub-process. A process can contain as many start elements as required and can run into multiple other elements at the same time. The start event is not only for the modeling process, but plays an important role when executing workflows, as the start of a workflow can be configured there. |
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Task User interaction is set through a task, whilst in the process of modeling. The task can be connected through three connection points. The control flow enters through the entry tie point at the top of the element. Secondly, the control flow exits through the exit tie point at the bottom of the element to continue through the process. The third exit is the exception on the right side of the element, which is used to reroute the process flow if needed. This exit tie point for exceptions offers an alternative to the normal process flow. |
Event Through the event element, you can illustrate an event from the EPK Notation. The event element contains one entry and one exit tie point and attempts to clarify the process steps to the user. Further, the event can also be used while executing workflows, as they can be configured with a specific time, interval,... where the workflow makes a break. This is mostly used when a synchronization is started and the synchronized data should be used afterward, then you can use an event element in between and set it to a specific time to make sure the synchronization has been finished. |
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Condition To decide branching options for a process, use the conditions. The entry and exit tie points, as well as the names of the conditions, can be chosen accordingly. The exit point consists of the options True and False. In True, you can approve a correct process function, the conditions which can be set in properties. In False you can specify multiple process functions, this can be done over the Quad Menu when clicking Open condition editor. |
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End The end of a process is set with an end element. The end element contains only an entry point at the top, logically, as no successive symbols can be added afterward. A process can have as many end elements as required, and multiple elements can flow simultaneously into an end element. |
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Shape For a better understanding of a process, Shapes can be used. They have no specific task but can be used for everything which seems to be a good use for it. The shapes also contain those from the process map designer, should they be needed in a process model. |
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Text The textbox enables to insert text into a model. For example, if there is important information about an element in the model, then it can be written in the textbox. |
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Image With the image element, the user has the possibility to add pictures to the process model. But these images which should be used first need to be uploaded to the image library in the menu preferences. |
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Note |
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Sub-Process |
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Loop Sometimes, you need to redo specific parts of a process. Related process segments that run multiple times due to their specific conditions, can be grouped together in a Loop. Loops are therefore sub-processes that can, for example, repeat data sets. The loop is a for-each loop which means it automatically loops through data sets. The loop can either be executed parallel or sequentially. Parallel means, that all instances of the loop will be started at the same time. Whereas sequential means, that the next iteration of the loop starts after the predecessor has been finished. |
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Process Link This enables to link processes. Mostly this is used when executing a workflow. It is used like a normal element, so simply drag and drop it on the position you want to execute it and then link a process model to it. After a correct configuration (the start event of the linked process also has to be configured), the linked process is executed exactly on the position where the link element is placed. With this feature you can effectively model processes and use them in multiple other processes. |
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Control Point |
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Link This is simply a link to a specific position in the model. That means with a link you can jump from A to B but within the same process model. It mostly is used for elements which would require a long line to connect them, so therefore the links are used, and you don't have to connect them with the long line which could confuse people. |