A list of all available services is provided at the address http://<ServerName>:<FireStartWebServicePort>/PesWS.asmx. For authentication username, password and domain are passed as arguments in the service call.
Start a Process
In the following part, you can see an example of how you can start a Workflow using a Soap Web Service. The different used methods are: BeginTransaction, SetTransactionParameter, SendTransactionStartEvent.
# Create a proxy for the Paging web service
$page = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri $currentUri
# Begin Transaction: returns TransactionID
if ($messaging) {
$transactionID = $page.BeginTransaction($processID)
} else {
$transactionID = $page.BeginTransaction($EventElementID)
$page.SetTransactionParameter($transactionID,"Endzeit","31.10.2014 10:00:00")
$page.SetTransactionParameter($transactionID,"Beschreibung","Meine Beschreibung")
# StartTransaction(TransactionID)
$executionID = $page.SendTransactionStartEvent($transactionID,$domain,$username,$password)
Raise an Intermediate Event
An Intermediate Event is raised in the same way as a Workflow is started, except instead of the SendTransactionStartEvent method, the SendTransactionIntermediateEvent method is used.